Makco is married to Penny , has a 165 day old son named Oliver and a 77 day old daughter named Leticia , and has a pet dog named Doggus.
Farm horse: Tornado
2 Brown Cows: Cow , Cow the 2nd
2 Goats: Supergott , Can Chewer
2 Pigs: *Chuckles* , *Wilbur*
1 White Cow: Dairy Queen
1 Sheep: *Sheeple!*
1 Blue Chicken: *JojaChick*
1 Duck: *Duckem*
1 Brown Chicken: Chicken
1 Dinosaur: Spikey
1 White Chicken: *Cotton*
1 Rabbit: Hopus Pocus
1 Void Chicken: *Umbra*
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