Decozty is married to Haley , has no children, and has a pet dog named Decy.
72 Pigs: Kinsy , Shutchley , Ketch , Satona , Jatsley , Wello , Bu-Bu , Mortio , Tony , Patoze , Brocley , Selle , Shonu , Brito , Reka , Snumbo , Trunos , Grasi , Kirtio , Tramabella , Ritabo , Cussie , Prats , Graners , SiSi , Lupaboo , Geppa , Tronie , Frapi , Mellie , Keppa , Snoma , Gi , Wunley , Pra-bell , Cune , Wumbus , Gitu , Chekie , Shupa , Wellonie , Zinita , Snatsa , Brinu , Shirters , Kirda , Topa , Jitchers , Charti , Proto , Batse , Lirdo , Lubba , Keppo , Fopi , Repo , Titsoo , Tika , Pratso , Blue , Prella , Blue , Jeffe , BrightLands , Tilley , Gapo , BrightLands , Catsumo , Blue , Frusomo , Sipoo , Ka
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