Disgulepado is married to Abigail , has a 89 day old son named Alain and a 3 day old daughter named Undine , and has a pet cat named baitinga.
Farm horse: peidin
4 White Chickens: Cleber , Bedegueba , Cetsoveraaa , Fulera
6 Ducks: Frunody , Zezinha , Albetiza , Fipito , Cucke , Rozzy
2 Rabbits: Prella , Lilly
1 Brown Cow: Mimosa
3 White Cows: locona , Zotsu , FDP
4 Goats: Prurte , Puso , Tabata , comepea
2 Sheeps: Jickurt , Snocco
2 Pigs: Sitchi , PePe
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