TalBot is married to Leah , has a 183 day old daughter named Jane Foster and a 95 day old son named Erik Selvig , and has a pet dog named Thor.
Farm horse: Vision
6 Goats: Banner , Thanos , Groot , Wong , Natasha , Hill
3 Brown Cows: Bucky , Nebula , Scott
3 White Cows: Ebony Maw , Gamora , Cull
2 Sheeps: Parker , Barton
10 Pigs: Tchaka , Proxima , Sam Wilson , Shuri , Rhodey , Nick Fury , Vulture , Nakia , Corvus , Sharon
2 Blue Chickens: Heimdall , Valkrie
1 Rabbit: Rocket
2 White Chickens: Mantis , Surtur
3 Void Chickens: Peter , Quill , Wanda
1 Dinosaur: Ego
3 Brown Chickens: Tony , Odin , Steve
12 Ducks: Drax , Okoye , Collector , Howard , Hellen Cho , Yondu , Ultron , May , Tchalla , Quill , Pepper , Bruce
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