Manders is married to Harvey , has a 81 day old son named David and a 15 day old daughter named Brooklynn , and has a pet dog named Hera.
Farm horse: Stanley
3 Void Chickens: Sadie , Medusa , Fiero
3 Ducks: Quackers , Donald , Ducky
3 White Chickens: Little , Cluck Norris , Cece
2 Brown Chickens: Drumstick , Nugget
1 Sheep: Lambchop
1 Pig: Hammy
2 White Cows: Samoole , Deliah
4 Brown Cows: Lila , Layla , Gigi , Tyanna
1 Goat: Goate
2 Rabbits: Hoppsy , Thumper
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