Maff is married to Emily , has a 232 day old son named Nodo and a 141 day old daughter named Sash , and has a pet dog named Banny.
Farm horse: Chesique
1 Rabbit: Chullo
1 White Chicken: Shine
6 Brown Chickens: Butu , Binano , Biskers , Snirto , Neppo , Briskers
1 Void Chicken: Grillard
3 Ducks: Metsers , Trotchi , Latsabella
6 Sheeps: BriBri , Frollers , Snonover , Mumonie , Numbus , Jumby
3 White Cows: Pruno , Nungus , Fort
3 Goats: Ternard , Kack , Wickie
12 Pigs: Cash , Zama , Fatsoze , Frubba , Snisaboo , Pona , Fratso , Fulloo , Ginano , Jinomo , Jungus , Chello
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