ADOLFI is married to Maru , has a 84 day old daughter named Eva and a 10 day old son named Adolfson , and has a pet cat named Himmler.
Farm horse: Eichmann
5 Brown Cows: Rona , Stalin , She , [337][645] , Milka
2 White Cows: Churchill , Kennedy
2 Goats: Wollanie , #!&^%*
3 Brown Chickens: Himmler , Göring , Heßewe
1 White Chicken: Goebbels
1 Rabbit: Speer
1 Dinosaur: Chussie
4 Void Chickens: Neppo , Tra , Frotsi , Freters
1 Duck: Eva
4 Pigs: [454] , Samley , [99] , Nollo
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