Dragon33711 is married to Penny , has a 956 day old daughter named Yuna and a 866 day old son named Tidus , and has a pet dog named Yogi.
Farm horse: Grover
1 White Chicken: Zeso
2 Ducks: Pra-Pra , Goma
2 Brown Chickens: Pretchley , Bubba
2 Void Chickens: Frenicka , Sutcho
2 Rabbits: Jo , Kicley
1 Blue Chicken: Chiko
2 Dinosaurs: Kitomo , Peckers
2 Goats: Yro , Piko
3 Pigs: Kitell , Rillell , Cirtley
3 Brown Cows: Co-mo , Shunu , Tru
2 Sheeps: Chumu , Shotcho
2 White Cows: Puckers , Bratsa
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