Scott is married to Leah , has a 317 day old daughter named Lily and a 230 day old son named Lukas , and has a pet cat named Cookie.
Farm horse: Amber
4 Sheeps: Archie , Ralia , Moka , Baab
2 Goats: Gruff , Billy
6 Pigs: Wilson , Sheila , Pumba , Babe , Peppa , Kenu
12 Rabbits: Ben , Raven , Star , Aurora , Keku , Nitsie , Ima , Willow , Ethan , Goldie , Doky , Darcy
4 Blue Chickens: Kelwing , Cerberus , Torgaydo , Mercy
4 Ducks: Sina , Britney , Koochi , Buffy
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