Willem is married to Leah , has a 41 day old daughter named Emma , and has a pet dog named Lil Doggo.
Farm horse: tractor/ad1b3106002443bdb136d9221a77ae23
2 Rabbits: Marcus , Sofus
3 Brown Chickens: Nikolaj , Jonathan , Frederik
5 Ducks: Lillard , FannyPack , Anders , Andersine , Lucia
2 Void Chickens: Ew , GrimmeÆlling
2 White Cows: Far , Alexander
4 Goats: GOAT , Messi , GotyMcGoat , Linus
2 Pigs: Bernhard , Snøffy
1 Sheep: Badah!
1 Brown Cow: Kasper
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