Valerie is married to Leah , has a 584 day old son named Link and a 498 day old daughter named Willow , and has a pet cat named Lego.
Farm horse: Nightsteed
4 Goats: Sophie , Alice , Mae , Gretta
2 Pigs: Clem , Trump
2 Sheeps: Snow , Emma
2 White Cows: Esme , Marnella
2 Brown Cows: Brinana , Snozzy
2 White Chickens: Raven , Pearl
2 Ducks: Daisy , Matchiedddd
1 Brown Chicken: Juliet
2 Void Chickens: Gratchi , Tre
2 Blue Chickens: Azure , Abyssal
1 Rabbit: Turtle
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