AcedFoxtrot is married to Alex , has a 343 day old daughter named Ellie and a 254 day old son named Su , and has a pet dog named Juniper.
Farm horse: Bojack
3 Ducks: Sepa , Jasina , Riku
2 Rabbits: Fubba , Zorters
2 Dinosaurs: Ji , Sauske
3 Blue Chickens: Bover , Wasi , Jicky
1 Void Chicken: Zamoo
1 Brown Chicken: Feb
2 White Cows: Chocco , Fotino
7 Goats: Lomabo , Bratrina , Snene , Jeme , Keso , Cekie , Leni
3 Pigs: Foni , Calbert , Gumbo
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