Roshan is married to Abigail , has a 163 day old son named Kaelthas Hr and a 94 day old daughter named Maiden Kael , and has a pet cat named Toroo.
Farm horse: Horserim
4 Void Chickens: Blekrim , Camarim , Namo , Blekoree
6 Ducks: Drudu , Ducko , Trabo , Duckie , Duraboo , 李氏集团
1 Dinosaur: DinoRim
1 White Chicken: Cikeleto
2 Brown Chickens: Cikeleri , Pokeo
3 White Cows: Cowrow , Cowrorim , Cowrior
2 Sheeps: Sheepoo , Sheepyy
2 Brown Cows: Cowie , Cowror
2 Pigs: Pridggy , Piggy
2 Goats: Sheepy , Sheepo
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