CJBlack is married to Penny , has a 235 day old daughter named sarah and a 167 day old son named [74][163][373] , and has a pet dog named joe.
Farm horse: thunderhoof
1 Brown Chicken: Samell
2 Void Chickens: Licku , Zellley
1 Duck: Zille
1 Rabbit: maidenofhop
1 White Chicken: Tozzy
46 Pigs: Greppo , Chirta , Jesie , Lallanie , Snesa , Gretch , Gupe , Prertu , Zemell , Prona , Briskers , Jinie , Fritchers , Trepell , Chatley , Gretchu , Kony , Fotchers , Bo , Mano , Runi , Chubba , Ketsumo , Fikiba , Fullers , Foka , Trosie , Brongus , Trutsi , Lollell , Tungus , Chinano , Tello , Gretabell , Weppa , Tallo , Snatie , Jotsley , Pillley , Rusi , Sunio , Trusi , Tratsie , Nikie , Geppa , Coma
1 Goat: Miso
1 Brown Cow: Kama
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