Haxa is married to Haley , has a 559 day old daughter named Anya and a 470 day old son named Clyde , and has a pet cat named Bindly-Dindly.
Farm horse: Brantanpi
6 Brown Chickens: Teni-Teni-Tei , Cook Dalook , Shilthinitini , Gotchalan , Cina , Frucke
6 White Chickens: Gyah-Gyah , Ack-Glack , Shumolumad , Tru , Zitsello , Ilth
12 Pigs: Hoong-Hong , Frooby-Shins , Grobulus , Gilth , Ilt Bilt Shilt , Gruh-Gruh , Poppytook , Bir , Aah Aah Aah , Frigby , Gondallo , Polly
3 Brown Cows: Glick , Grill-Brill , Allgandalo
1 White Cow: Snover
4 Goats: All-Al-All-Alla , Printellfro , Ziskers , Frole Brole
4 Sheeps: Karl Kark , Illintin , GRAH GRAH , Posh-Nosh
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