Lyra is married to Sebastian , has a 271 day old son named Sai and a 185 day old daughter named Jade , and has a pet cat named Elizabeth 3rd.
Farm horse: Lightning
3 Brown Chickens: Star , Bulls , Lonie
3 White Chickens: Ares , Nana , Astral
2 Dinosaurs: Eggnog , Garuda
4 Void Chickens: Gertrude , Iago , Cersei , Cuto
6 Goats: Epic , ZEN , Chutchi , Cutie , Yoosung , Shubbie
4 Brown Cows: Magnolia , Tana , Moo , Baka
2 White Cows: Gem , Mako
6 Pigs: Chubs , Rika , Peggy , Hana , Chisa , Celes
6 Sheeps: Ray , Tallona , Luciel , Cash , Fluffy , Jini
6 Ducks: Chewy , Daffy , Quack , Jaehee , Bebe , Will
6 Rabbits: Zash , Shatrina , Trotsie , Savanah , Zano , Jihyun
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