Val is married to Sebastian , has a 90 day old daughter named Kelly , and has a pet cat named Nani.
Farm horse: tractor/53940dd6a57f4c1ea1cbe602271df287
3 Ducks: Noodle , Loona , Nicco
4 Brown Chickens: Unwanted , Babe , Jelly , Momo
2 Void Chickens: Butler , Wampire
1 Blue Chicken: Sana
1 White Chicken: Feppo
1 Rabbit: Kiku
2 Pigs: Notsos , Kale
2 Brown Cows: Omana , Kysho
1 Sheep: Hooman
1 Goat: Wiskers
3 White Cows: Milky , Milkshake , Fifi
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