Keegs is married to Ru-bee , has a 37 day old daughter named Faishe , and has a pet cat named Melonie.
Farm horse: Chotsu
3 Brown Chickens: Andre , Jeju Islandd , Syam
3 Ducks: Pokimane , Cat , Horse
2 Void Chickens: Juh , Blackie
2 White Chickens: Ariff , Sian Shern
3 Pigs: Bacon , Truffles , Chise
1 Brown Cow: Grilled
1 White Cow: Seasoned
3 Sheeps: Rukody , Nuno , Nepie
2 Goats: Duck , Chickenaaaa
3 Dinosaurs: Diyesyesyes , Doni , Dinononono
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