Yuu is married to Haley , has a 12 day old son named Hinata , and has a pet dog named Taromaru.
Farm horse: Sonic
3 Ducks: Make , Praki , Nimony
4 Rabbits: Grocka , Mumie , Gruners , Grubba
1 Brown Chicken: Snasicka
2 White Chickens: Cana , Grussie
1 Dinosaur: Narti
1 Void Chicken: Fu
5 Goats: Shetsers , Nelle , Snullers , Gepu , Felloze
27 Pigs: Janny , Su , Grusabo , Za , Jutcha , Shabo , Pricky , Jerley , Catrina , Zussie , Fretumo , Nisu , Brorti , Trutsie , Natse , Snack , Shenabo , Teckardo , Sa-bell , Trasper , Gruta , Pasumo , Naso , Brurt , Chillie , Pona , Shena
2 White Cows: Bupley , Nemu
1 Brown Cow: Brollu
1 Sheep: Zello
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