MeGuide 4 is married to Penny , has a 464 day old son named Achievement1 and a 388 day old daughter named Achievement2 , and has a pet cat named Mike.
Farm horse: Lightning
1 Brown Cow: Shone
2 White Cows: Fuke , Bronabella
3 Goats: Fropu , Fruno , Shasper
3 Sheeps: Sitsu , Patrina , Feb
3 Pigs: Mukabo , Simsy , Chello
1 White Chicken: Shuckony
2 Blue Chickens: Lallu , Lem
1 Brown Chicken: Filbert
2 Ducks: Treta , Chona
2 Rabbits: Trorters , Chepa
2 Dinosaurs: Brotell , Bralla
2 Void Chickens: Fungus , Nertomo
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