alicia is married to Alex , has a 115 day old son named leo and a 3 day old daughter named ivy , and has a pet dog named teddy.
Farm horse: hobi
6 Dinosaurs: Fape , Trocley , Gretsa , Snockie , Brone , rex
6 Void Chickens: Griana , Bratchie , Brulle , venice , Kalbert , Trepabella
4 Rabbits: Frabo , Bullello , Pitcha , Reckardo
5 Ducks: Memo , Jong , Gralla , Tetch , Trongus
5 Sheeps: betty , shiggles , cheryl , shiva , Lozzy
7 Goats: henry , pretzel , Tiku , Cisers , jimmy , Gepa , Cake
8 Pigs: Snetchley , wong , wilbur , pong , ping , burk , poggles , bill-bill!
2 Brown Cows: angela , benny
2 White Cows: doodles , Backi
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