Carlos is married to Abigail , has a 77 day old son named João , and has a pet dog named Lupi.
7 Void Chickens: Fertino , Kappa , Frotsa , ResidentSlep , Freppa , Keffew , FeelsBad
5 Brown Cows: Cetchu , I need study , Tomo , Trello , OMEGALUL
5 White Cows: pepeD , Putcha , Posurt , Cene , poggers
2 Sheeps: Tana , Celli
2 Goats: Risabella , Furtie
9 Pigs: Natsu , Nurtio , Luba , Wumello , Shato , Shotchley , Rillumo , yegun , Chitsu
9 Blue Chickens: Keppo , Wita , Watody , Rice , Fi , Fetsa , Zernard , Bunnybox , Palm
2 Ducks: Strawberry , Shotizor
1 Rabbit: Grema
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