Euridão is married to Maru , has no children, and has a pet cat named Gilmar.
4 Ducks: Dudu , F!re , ogtreasure7 , Leozin
3 White Chickens: $yfg.Rush , Lil Finger , Strychniness
2 Rabbits: EF , Menó infrato
2 Brown Chickens: Lil Vith , Biruliro
1 Void Chicken: $yfr.Borges
4 Pigs: Virgingod* , Yun Wob , The Huzz , $yfg.nobre
4 Brown Cows: Wacce , Massaru , Aspinha , Lil bae
4 Goats: Luckhaos , Derek , Baby Internet , $yfg.Daddy
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