Bark is married to Penny , has a 108 day old son named Kacke and a 22 day old daughter named Troka , and has a pet cat named Snurte.
Farm horse: Mollaboo
6 Ducks: Churtu , Shapabella , Matchi , Pungus , Nitchu , Witsibo
2 Brown Chickens: Frutchi , Wumbus
4 White Chickens: To , Kus-Kus , Frubba , Prasabella
4 Void Chickens: Frasper , BuBu , Titsover , Rotsoze
4 Rabbits: Serters , Zartumo , Naters , Chemie
1 Dinosaur: Gruffy
5 Pigs: Firturt , Goki , Grussie , Brumbus , Trusers
4 Brown Cows: Mickabell , Jumu , Fekabell , Genell
2 Sheeps: Ketchley , Na-bell
2 Goats: Bricley , Cekello
1 White Cow: Burt
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