Kiki is married to Shane , has a 116 day old daughter named Tealeaf and a 47 day old son named Jeremy , and has a pet cat named Meow.
Farm horse: Earl Grey
1 White Chicken: Fetu
2 Void Chickens: boobles , Shurte
4 Rabbits: Snosody , Nippy , Boinger , Zipper
2 Ducks: TerntSnacko , Torters
3 Brown Chickens: Wumbus , Cluckey , Prumaboo
3 Goats: Zellabella , SmellyBum , Fartie
2 Pigs: Prinnie , Ribs
3 Brown Cows: Snotchers , Papaya , Jiskers
2 Sheeps: MuttonChops , Wetsoe
2 White Cows: Froggi , Biggie Smalls
1 Blue Chicken: Tamley
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