Sia is married to Penny , has a 276 day old son named Jasko and a 187 day old daughter named Saishe , and has a pet cat named Sha.
Farm horse: Keppo
3 White Chickens: Jotsa , Trash , Zuturt
1 Dinosaur: Tronabella
1 Brown Chicken: Rumby
2 Rabbits: Brinicka , Nakers
2 Ducks: Frene , Che
1 Void Chicken: Jotcho
3 Brown Cows: Snirtieeseee , Jiskers , Gosleyae
3 Sheeps: ^&*$y , Titcho , Ramley
4 Goats: Pima , Bati , Sulloses , Buckaboo
2 Pigs: Cinsy , Bepu
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