Donald is married to Leah , has a 137 day old daughter named Jamie and a 50 day old son named Don Jr , and has a pet dog named Tinker.
Farm horse: Camel Toe
54 Pigs: Trus , Maishe , Ra , Gatsello , Bacon , Frorley , Mi , Grellers , Lonia , Beffe , Trumbus , Snatrina , Prallo , Snernard , Fetch , Frenonie , Wertover , Bropie , Na-bell , Cu , Rullique , Trenie , Mirdo , Tillu , Jisu , Lungus , Zerters , Grungus , Milbert , Prane , Sho , Shokabella , Groso , Brosley , Sitsabell , Sname , Josomo , Brusie , Weto , Setch , Fickie , Rirtu , Brokoo , Snoke , Nokie , Sheppa , Prinono , Wicky , Nirtumo , Grirta , Gretso , Jona , Shetcha , Rekoda
29 Void Chickens: Black Beaver , Blackie , Pumby , Tranabella , Lucke , Cash , Batrina , Jasi , Sono , Feno , Jutsie , Pallumo , Mellley , Mipe , Prartu , Black Sheba , !*&%^ , Kello , Sinano , Snokos , Witsizor , Fikello , Pretcha , Wamio , Shulla , Citso , Wumbus , Snasi , Frirta
6 Ducks: Duckzilla , Howard , Nermal , Daffy , Donald , Snoochie
1 Dinosaur: Dynomite
12 Rabbits: Fenia , Jumabell , RoadKill , Fosono , Julla , Floppy , Sem , Sho-mo , Grisu , Fone , Rasper , Trickard
6 Brown Cows: Teppa , Konaboo , Lartina , Futsu , Frernard , Lunizor
6 White Cows: Kekicka , Purtello , Toners , Brella , Frepo , Satabella
6 Sheeps: Butchi , Pirda , Gash , Cini , Prona , Nepabell
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