Mariana is married to Penny , has a 616 day old daughter named Yeri and a 549 day old son named Hoshi , and has a pet cat named Molly.
Farm horse: Ivair
8 Pigs: Waddles , Truffle , Gingas , Oinc , Fuchsia , Rose , Pink , Magenta
2 Sheeps: Nuvem , Algodao
2 Brown Cows: Nescau , Ovomaltine
2 Goats: Ze , Cheese
2 White Cows: Mira , Toddy
2 Void Chickens: Pearl , Black
2 White Chickens: Mira , Marilu
2 Ducks: Ashland , Puddi
1 Dinosaur: Dino
2 Brown Chickens: Chocolate , Milk
2 Blue Chickens: Blue , Fruit
5 Rabbits: Cinnamon , Butter , Vanilla , Sugar , Cueio
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