哞哞Momow is married to Harvey , has a 92 day old daughter named 加奈Kana , and has a pet cat named 松子.
Farm horse: 灵力
2 Blue Chickens: Donut , Aoi
2 White Chickens: Peach , Toto
2 Brown Chickens: Coni , Frepie
2 Ducks: Redbean , ChuChu
1 Void Chicken: Kuro
3 Goats: Wika , Fitche , Bono
4 Pigs: Tea , LInlin , Wunu , Pocky
2 Brown Cows: Zono , Hope
2 White Cows: Frutcha , Weffe
4 Sheeps: Prinono , Teters , Nitellow , Sesame
2 Rabbits: Ginger , Lapu
1 Dinosaur: DidaKun
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