Maggie is married to Sam , has a 374 day old son named Albus S. P and a 297 day old daughter named Lily Luna P , and has a pet dog named Ci Ci.
Farm horse: Harry Potter
5 Ducks: Dave , Harry , Kimsy , Cedric D , Fred
2 Dinosaurs: Gabrielle , Zukumo
2 Void Chickens: Nagini , Tilbert
3 White Chickens: Hermione , Ron Weasley , Albus
4 Goats: Frella , Sirius , Marvel , Dumbledore
2 Sheeps: Sprout , Shallley
4 White Cows: Luna , Harry Potter , Lilly Potter , Ginny W
1 Brown Cow: Ginny
6 Brown Chickens: Dumbo , Milo , Hellow , Belle , Frank , Churt
1 Rabbit: Oliver Wood
1 Blue Chicken: Muckanie
4 Pigs: Dora , Pocky , Abigail , Ziana
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