Kirsten is married to Leah , has a 32 day old son named Luke , and has a pet dog named Bandit.
Farm horse: Phillip
4 White Cows: Moo , Belle , Dottie , Moose
8 Pigs: Waffles , Bacon , HenWen , Petunia , Peppermint , Piglet , Oink , Princess
3 Brown Chickens: Tweety , Plucky , Twiggy
1 Void Chicken: Reptar
1 White Chicken: Henrietta
1 Blue Chicken: Bluejay
1 Rabbit: Fluff
2 Dinosaurs: Drogon , Rhaegal
1 Duck: Dewey
1 Sheep: Babs
1 Goat: Billie
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