nana is married to Konuta , has a 144 day old son named wolfgang and a 69 day old daughter named verona , and has a pet cat named soy sause.
Farm horse: JadenSmith
9 Pigs: big ed , jim , byotch , #*&%! , Bemu , Wilbo , Prucka , oukouk$#^%* , Shomi
3 Goats: zerk , grenola bar , Callita
7 Brown Cows: mamaiminlov , WillSmith , glockpokpok , Fumu , Frumbo , Fro , Sona
2 White Cows: how2seewitho , depressedco
3 Sheeps: downsyndrom , Gretso , orgasm
7 Ducks: Metcha , snai , Za , gecko , Pisi , Chillard , Bronu
4 Rabbits: Kerley , Frano , iridosiclytus , g-spot
5 Brown Chickens: Epilepsy , Musu , Locco , Lurley , Grotso
2 White Chickens: lil-peep , Lillabell
2 Dinosaurs: xuehuapiaopi , heartbeenbro
1 Void Chicken: waesmyjuul
3 Blue Chickens: Snatcha , Zekie , Trellers
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