Vale is married to Penny , has a 191 day old daughter named Gwen and a 114 day old son named Apollo , and has a pet cat named Dudley.
Farm horse: Farouq
1 Void Chicken: Kash
1 White Chicken: Boomi
1 Blue Chicken: Zodo
5 Dinosaurs: Littlefoot , Trumie , Sicko , Brerte , Sara
2 Rabbits: Buggs , Mumby
1 Duck: Darkwing
1 Brown Chicken: Gotini
81 Pigs: Shi , Zitsabell , Gatsu , Pig , Caters , Gota , Winnie , Rollo , Tetoze , Bro , Shino , Kope , Bullony , Jollina , Trena , Rimabo , Tuki , Pupumo , Wotchi , Chute , Pama , Nongus , Ceckardo , Fisu , Chotsley , Jeppa , Cupe , Brokoo , Pomo , Suma , Zeme , Tesu , Roni , Chanie , Jotsabo , Jockomo , Pripers , Gatrina , Snona , Snulla , Junoze , Tella , Pirda , Beckardo , Wi , Trurto , Letu , Liana , Kurtia , Runa , Rubbie , Gipi , Nellello , Grumbus , Snaturt , Kasie , Prenu , Tasa , Pinono , Cona , Trimsy , Tarta , Retcha , Franu , Gortello , Nasers , Macku , Fimabella , Gri , Fus , Grono , Sullello , Snecki , Mong , Pitsa , Grella , Na-Na , Neppa , Trupu , Zanie , Renoda
1 Goat: Gungus
1 White Cow: Co-mo
1 Brown Cow: Bessy
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All Stardew Valley assets copyright Concerned Ape