HNK001 is married to Haley , has a 427 day old son named Betu and a 293 day old daughter named Beti , and has a pet cat named Berry.
Farm horse: Ghora
2 White Cows: Gaye , Wera
2 Sheeps: Baby bakri , Dhumba
3 Brown Cows: baby baild , Bhainsaaa , Bail
3 Goats: Chetch , Bakri , baby bakra
2 Pigs: Sooar , Gotso
2 Brown Chickens: Murgha , Murghoo
4 Ducks: Batak , baby batak , baby batuk , batrak
1 Void Chicken: Branurt
2 White Chickens: Murghs , Murghi
2 Rabbits: Mako , Chotcho
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