Michi is married to Sebastian , has a 114 day old daughter named Chanel and a 22 day old son named Calvin , and has a pet dog named Fri.
Farm horse: So-So
2 White Cows: Momumo , Cilbo
2 Brown Cows: Lorraine , Gritsley
5 Goats: Nirtito , Sho-mo , Bongus , Korters , Snumbus
3 Sheeps: Rerters , Mortell , Brese
12 Pigs: Trenina , Pretos , Treppa , Tella , Zinaboo , Prella , Wellaboo , Katell , Nenoze , Pasaboo , Cuffy , Prapabo
4 Ducks: Bobo , Poku , Shona , Bonie
4 Brown Chickens: Witsumo , Prumbus , Sille , Neckardo
6 Void Chickens: Tecku , Zinsy , Trusini , Kimsy , Mipurt , Sneta
3 White Chickens: Jongus , Lena , Raki
3 Rabbits: Gretabo , Truto , Frina
4 Blue Chickens: Fre , Ku , Pape , Futchi
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