이재언 is unmarried,has a 267 day old daughter named 종말의소환사 and a 198 day old son named 응애백성 , and has a pet cat named 해미.
Farm horse: 광기의모털엔진
5 White Chickens: Jullo , 지온 , Matchu , 하리 , Nipia
3 Brown Chickens: 현 , Tortini , Pinick
3 Ducks: Snotley , b , a
1 Rabbit: Grullley
4 White Cows: 가 , Sneckardo , Fillard , 나
4 Sheeps: Zalbert , Gungus , Cilly , Perta
1 Pig: Beppo
2 Brown Cows: 라 , 다
1 Goat: Gremi
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