Whisker is married to Emily , has a 472 day old daughter named Lexi and a 384 day old son named Rocco , and has a pet dog named Dottie.
Farm horse: Allysin
7 White Cows: Pulley , [150] , [698][698] , [126][127] , Curds , [698][394] , Fricky
5 Brown Cows: Frumbus , Fillard , Trungus , Pockurt , [148][262]
24 Pigs: Buffy , Grirda , Wapello , Truffle , Prillers , Nino , Kello , Fortanie , Mi , Bimsy , She , Branurt , Tropo , Wumbus , Mello , Praners , Sotsers , Jirtu , Peppo , Zilly , Kipers , Snash , Zello , Trurt
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