Ulmirah is married to Sam , has a 452 day old daughter named Daniela and a 347 day old son named Junimo , and has a pet dog named Ares.
Farm horse: Nasai
4 Ducks: Cava , Lutie , Tuto , Bipo
3 Rabbits: Tusello , Grona , Brone
4 Goats: Fony , Faku , Shape , Tiko
3 Brown Cows: Shetso , Natchie , Prille
6 Sheeps: Trise , Bepu , Zemonie , Brillo , Ceku , Taru
1 White Cow: Kinu
1 Void Chicken: Worto
1 Brown Chicken: Moma
4 Dinosaurs: Gi , Ku , Protos , Naishe
1 Blue Chicken: Bumbus
1 White Chicken: Mutchu
3 Pigs: Sneffe , Litche , Zopa
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