Chaos is married to Leah and has no children .
Farm horse: Oromë
3 White Chickens: Chilbo , Jartie , Zem
3 Brown Chickens: Cheno , Bozzy , Rutsumo
3 Blue Chickens: Subba , Sha , Trutchu
3 Void Chickens: Priana , Feffe , Maka
12 Sheeps: Becka , Tertie , Rini , Cipo , Grucko , Wack , Suko , Fockabella , Butcha , Tupo , Lumbo , Kongus
12 Ducks: Kortu , Zolla , Ricley , Kickaboo , Kasu , Snatcha , Snacka , Nalbert , Gro , Chodo , Chasper , Ketchu
12 Dinosaurs: Lo-mo , Protell , Zella , Kasi , Birda , Grenie , Subbie , Ceffe , Sipo , Jumby , Getch , Chinono
12 Rabbits: Snamley , Rupley , Gome , Podo , Lotsurt , Mosu , Prello , Gruti , Grupabell , Lulley , Chekoda , Nome
6 Brown Cows: Frinano , Zover , Chetsers , Funu , Chotchers , Snote
6 White Cows: Fretchu , Sonu , Bosie , Nubba , Prusono , Cungus
12 Pigs: Tipabella , Barto , Brurti , Mate , Ponanie , Catso , Zollo , Lupello , Frupell , Kella , Jeffe , Grumbo
12 Goats: Grilley , Brorta , Genell , Batell , Bena , Bra-bell , Cep , Nocco , Pratsu , Grilbo , Zinley , Rina
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