Demitria is married to Penny , has a 105 day old son named Shawn and a 29 day old daughter named Pamela , and has a pet cat named Luna.
Farm horse: Bullseye
2 Rabbits: Nonny , Octavia
2 Void Chickens: Septimus , Eleven
2 Brown Chickens: Deca , Una
1 White Chicken: Dua
2 Ducks: !$#ton , Quinn
1 Dinosaur: Twe
2 Blue Chickens: Quaida , Tris
2 Brown Cows: Daisy , Clover
2 Goats: Iris , Lilac
2 Sheeps: Poppy , Tulip
2 Pigs: Fern , Peony
2 White Cows: Rose , Lavender
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