Cezarino is married to Shane , has a 4 day old son named Guilherme , and has a pet dog named Rex.
12 Blue Chickens: Biti , Seti , Cupa , Femino , Janique , Mino , Puma , Prubba , Mine , Pollick , Wiso , Wilbert
12 Dinosaurs: Totchers , Jasley , Jumby , Rapa , Monie , Malley , Frumbus , Prinsy , Sucko , Chillard , Subbie , Pertino
11 Sheeps: Shina , Shuta , Sumbus , Purta , Toka , Curtumo , Zopu , Chinsy , Minnie , Mo-mo , Prartu
2 White Cows: Fatu , Mupono
11 Goats: Frumu , Prasers , Wartanie , Mabo , Guto , Weners , Trakabell , Siskers , Pi , Triskers , Jokizor
Cezarino has not killed any monsters yet.
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