Beatoriche is married to Sebastian , has a 921 day old son named Sebby Jr and a 854 day old daughter named Jess , and has a pet dog named Sarnenta.
Farm horse: Martamatica
2 Pigs: Keno , Tesu
2 Goats: Nartoda , Gubbieea
2 White Cows: Lemo , Shemu
2 Sheeps: Wuffy , Seto
2 : Thainóvisky , Dileguin
2 Brown Cows: Frenabella , Fino
2 Void Chickens: Dog Safada , Carlota
3 Dinosaurs: Lagartixa , Wena , Ruma
2 Rabbits: Gisody , Basini
2 Ducks: Britneywwww , Nicky
2 Blue Chickens: Snerto , Snutchers
1 Brown Chicken: Jesi
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