Gabi is married to Leah , has a 153 day old son named Nicollas and a 65 day old daughter named Nicolle , and has a pet cat named Luna.
Farm horse: Jessy
2 Void Chickens: Killy , Snoze
2 Blue Chickens: Jutsie , Silly
2 Rabbits: Chitcha , Trutcha
2 Ducks: Shuso , Snonie
1 White Chicken: Kinabell
1 Brown Chicken: Ketch
2 Sheeps: Japa , Bumbo
1 White Cow: Wumbus
2 : Cisers , Notcha
1 Brown Cow: Bonaboo
2 Goats: Fartie , Pretche
9 Dinosaurs: Trongus , Pa , Wonodawww , Rocco , Dino , Frelle , Minsy , Farturt , Snetsi
9 Pigs: Chisumo , Fretch , Butsi , Chuni , Froka , Sho , Mullu , Sneppa , Milla
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