Wendy is married to Emily , has a 274 day old daughter named Ellie and a 171 day old son named Arthie , and has a pet cat named Mingau.
Farm horse: Abóbora
48 Pigs: Shepu , Frasick , Cano , Sunaboo , Kamie , Jokio , Gretchie , Saboo , Kepi , Wubbie , Lepumo , Brina , Wumbo , Rine , Tiskers , Ju , Zi , Trutsie , Tananie , Trillley , Nasko , Tello , Mena , Shumbo , Besu , Za , Bollono , Gitito , Gellers , Tubbie , Jemicko , Mirters , Tillley , Chine , Tongus , Litello , Merley , Prunu , Wumbus , Mine , Letch , Renina , Notie , Bony , Gami , Shillie , Truna , Shanny
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