Pandita is married to Abigail , has a 19 day old son named Pandita Jr , and has a pet dog named Pimu.
Farm horse: Grover
1 White Cow: Brorley
5 Goats: Liners , Merte , Grellley , Rubbie , Fatrina
3 Brown Cows: Jitsa , Burti , Shano
1 Sheep: Graishe
2 Pigs: Brumell , Gotchley
1 White Chicken: Gruticko
6 Void Chickens: Mutsu , Jortanie , Shirdo , Chabo , Snungus , Catche
3 Rabbits: Prane , Grotia , Giki
2 Ducks: Rotso , Cep
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