Pandita is married to Abigail , has a 132 day old son named Pandita Jr and a 21 day old daughter named Jet , and has a pet dog named Pimu.
Farm horse: Grover
8 Pigs: Rurti , Gotchley , Jicky , Sipito , Brumell , Shotchu , Tritsie , Jonabell
1 Brown Cow: Jitsa
2 Goats: Rubbie , Grellley
1 White Cow: Brorley
4 Blue Chickens: Wanu , Lemurt , Grickia , Prabo
6 Void Chickens: Mutsu , Shirdo , Jortanie , Catche , Snungus , Chabo
2 Ducks: Cep , Rotso
10 Rabbits: Snupu , Bobo , Tillard , Mina , Trulle , Furt , Grotia , Latcho , PoPo , Rutanie
1 Dinosaur: Saurs
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