沫子 is married to 铅笔 , has a 248 day old daughter named 陈月轮 and a 161 day old son named 蔡凯克 , and has a pet dog named 助多.
Farm horse: 赤兔
4 Ducks: 鸭汤 , 绝味鸭脖 , 烤鸭 , 鸭肉饭
2 Rabbits: 麻辣兔头 , 三杯兔肉
1 Brown Chicken: 结婚蛋糕
1 Void Chicken: 小别致
1 White Chicken: 干饭
3 Pigs: 烤乳猪 , 豚骨拉面 , 猪骨面
1 : 狮子
5 Goats: 羊蝎子 , 羊杂汤 , 狮子 , 羊肉串 , 羊排
2 Brown Cows: 牛排 , 牛肉堡
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