BlueBerry is married to Leah , has a 166 day old son named Chello and a 82 day old daughter named Fairy , and has a pet cat named Mesurt.
Farm horse: Sneck
2 Void Chickens: Bicky , Zorodark
2 Blue Chickens: Sneko , Snong
1 Brown Chicken: Popit
2 Rabbits: Gicku , Gunley
1 White Chicken: Trash
2 Dinosaurs: Gubbie , Calanguin
1 Duck: Biboo
1 Sheep: Grella
3 White Cows: Panny , Canollie , Taco's
1 Pig: Tomi
1 Brown Cow: Brownie
2 Goats: Lubbie , Shapers
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