FarmBoiLuke is unmarried, has no children, and has a pet dog named Dawg.
Farm horse: Filthy%$&*!
4 Brown Chickens: Peckerd , Boris , Butt Sauce , Tart
1 Void Chicken: Slurm
1 Blue Chicken: Lint Licker
2 Ducks: Gertie , Banana
2 White Chickens: Kielbasa , Pecker
1 Rabbit: BushHopper
3 Goats: VulvaCoat , Van Goat , Stink Pickle
1 White Cow: Fart Box
1 Brown Cow: The Curdler
1 Pig: Squealer
5 Dinosaurs: El Barto , Koopa , Cumquat , Megasoreass , Koopa
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