Lynn is married to Penny , has a 51 day old daughter named Riah , and has a pet cat named Nuga.
Farm horse: Icorn
2 Dinosaurs: Shacka , Misell
3 Ducks: Supie , Gapiba , Reb
2 Void Chickens: Tatello , Snirdo
2 Rabbits: Gromizor , Jotsello
1 Brown Chicken: Wemi
1 White Chicken: Rema
4 Goats: Snabo , Fri , Tuffy , Pinnie
4 Pigs: Lirley , Bepoze , Grema , Snilla
1 White Cow: Subbie
2 Sheeps: Milla , Freppa
1 Brown Cow: Kesley
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